1st Pan-European Conference on Distance Teaching: Learning from Best Practice [ONLINE]
Date: 30. 4. 2020
Time: from 15.00 to 17.30 (Central European Time)
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85193131821
Meeting ID: 851 9313 1821
Programme: 15.00 – 16.30: Distance Teaching Best Practices: Presentation and Interactive Discussions
16.45 – 17.30: Keynote by Nastja Mulej: Confronting Challenges Creatively: How to Survive the LockDown and Stay Positive
Distance Teaching Best Practices: Presentation and Interactive Discussions:
Teachers’ Network During the Pandemia, Sandra Grujevska, Balkan Teachers’ Network
Mathematics Knowledge Assessment Using GoFormative Online Tool, Deja Kačič, Secondary Preschool Education, Grammar school and Performing Arts Grammar School Ljubljana
Learning Philosophy in Distance Education, Astrid Høgmo, Kunnskapstrening IT
Facing the Challenge of Digital Learning in Early Childhood Education, Eleni Mousena, University of West Attica
Collaborative Tools in a Distance Classroom: A Case with Comics, Dajana Jelavić, High school JURE KAŠTELAN, Omiš
Overcoming the Limitations of Online Biology Teaching in a Secondary School, Manuela-Elena Concioiu, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA) and Miguel de Cervantes Theoretical Bilingual High School of Bucharest